Australian Government. Provides several publications related to crane and hoist operations which can be found through the search page. Operator Safety Videos.
Crane and Hoist Operators are responsible for: Lockout/Tagout any equipment that is defective. Operating hoisting equipment safely. Conducting functional tests
This program applies to any research, construction, and maintenance activities that utilize such lift equipment. Resources. Crane/Hoist Safety Program.
The program requires only qualified and trained operators use cranes during educational and research activities. Policy. TTU OP 60.21. Resources. OSHA Crane
Crane and Hoist Safety: The Dangers of Side Pulling. Staying Safe in Overhead Lifting Applications. Hoisting & Lifting Equipment | Crane Systems | by Joe Runyon
Today, Downs Crane & Hoist Co., Inc., manufactures lifting equipment, In addition to manufacturing and selling overhead cranes and hoists, the employee