Using our custom-designed gantry system and hydraulic turntable, Omega Morgan's machinery moving team recently completed a swap of two, 27.5 ton-capacity.
Can be an alternative to repairing an aged or worn out component. • Swapping out repair-prone hoists and other components can reduce maintenance spending.
There was no overhead crane service and the area was not accessible to fork trucks. A custom solution needed to be found to lift multiple 1,000 LB pump
Homebuilt wooden gantry crane for bed lifting Engine Swap, Truck Engine, Homemade gantry crane constructed from 4x4 lumber and powered by a 1-ton hoist.
The all steel gantry crane adjusts from 99 in. to 147-1/2 in. high to provide a sturdy overhead lift point to lift car engines, heavy machinery or equipment. An