The telemetry crane scales (radio links) are used for weighing the foundry ladles thus enabling the addition of an exact percentage of additives as well as
Weighing the foundry ladles using wireless crane scales enables the addition of an exact percentage of additives. In addition, foundry crane scales help to prevent
作者:FMT Staff — Crane scales in a foundry not only help to reduce costs and increase efficiency: They also increase safety by helping to prevent dangerous overloads.
From handy and mobile solutions to 200 tons crane scales, EHP weighing technology has developed solutions for a wide range of requirements (e.g. foundries,
The KGW foundry crane scale is an extremely robust crane scale, protected against shock loading and constructed primarily for heavy industrial use in foundries
EHP germany are specialists in Foundry weighing scale for molten metal weighing. he KGW crane scale can be used at ambient temperatures of up to 1600 ° C.
1610 products — foundry crane scales for laboratories, industries and personal use, available at Buy quality- tested, durable and reliable foundry
2020年7月30日 — Load cells foundry crane scales scale wireless telemetry radio If a radio (telemetry) crane scale lacks a neutralizing mechanism, the foundry
JWIKWD has developed Crane Scale(Foundry) ranges from 5 ton to 50 ton capacity, keeping in mind the user and application where it is used. The load cell
From the simple low capacity hanging scale to the heavy duty foundry crane scale with remote display transciever interface. Click on any image to go to that