11 SHOP AND FOUNDRY WASTES 1365 of segregating this material and apply ing a preliminary treatment before mixing with the larger flow from the forge plant.
The foundry and die-casting sectors require multiple treatments and these processes sometimes produce wastewater that presents a series of pollutants that must
Photo about Treatment plant wastes of foundry, with excavator and crane, with mountains in the background. Image of smokestack, selection, plant - 50312919.
B e foundry industry is a major consumer of waste materials (scrap). Udortunately, the recycling of these waste ter treatment plant before the sulfide.
The water contaminations are caused by open melting furnaces cooling systems. The solid wastes from various production stages (moulding mass de-dusting,
Keywords: Foundry waste, reuse, recycling, bentonite bonded moulding sand, green sand moulding treatment plant situated in the considered foundry plant.
Beneficial use of drinking water plant treatment sludge for use as a soil additive on agricultural lands. WMGR019 (PDF), Beneficial use of waste foundry