Our paper titled. “Single Failure Proof Hoisting System for Use on Reactor and Spent Fuel Cask Cranes in Nuclear Power Plants. (CS-71),” released in 1978, had
Hoist & Crane Service Group has the experience and service systems necessary to maintain critical lifting equipment in nuclear and conventional power plants
Cranes can be employed to hoist the Steam Generator and Reactor pressure vessel during construction of nuclear power plant. Cranes can be also used to lift
In the plant layout for the majority of the boiling water reactors (BWRs) designed and built, a single crane handles critical loads near the reactor vessel and.
Reactor building cranes are used to transport the Castor fuel element cask, lift the screening bar, cover assembly the reactor pressure vessel and other outage
Nuclear plants require specialized material handling solutions for a wide range of loading and lifting tasks. Polar cranes, for instance, are often used for