The electromagnetic crane can produce powerful magnetic field force, it can carry dozens of tons of sheet iron, iron wire, iron nails, waste iron and other
Best Bridge Crane, Supplied by Nucleon (Xinxiang) Crane Co. DC Electromagnetic Bridge Crane, Mainly Works with Detachable Electromagnetic Chuck for sale
4.consists of bridge, crane traveling mechanism, trolley, electric equipment and electromagnetic chuck. 5.widely used with strong and permanent magnetic force
Many small scale industries purchase the existing electric overhead cranes from bigger industries and make the required modification to suit their requirement.
QC 5-50/10t electromagnetic bridge crane QC型 - yugong Products Made In China, China Manufacturer. The electromagnetic bridge crane is generally operated in
Magnet means an electromagnetic device carried on a crane hook to pick up loads magnetically. 1910.179(a)(48). Main hoist means the hoist mechanism provided for